Thursday, September 30, 2010

N.J. judge rules lenders must prove they hold note before they can foreclose on a property
Now do you believe me? Call me for help 888-7137570

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

homeowners have more power than ever...
all they got to do is realize it and act on it...
one must get legally armed....
it is the only way you may have a chance...
get lawyer-ed up...
face facts people...
none of BIG GOV plants are working...
loan mods are BS...
but it is not going away without the homeowner taking action...
let me set the record strait...
foreclosure seize maybe a notch in the homeowner's side...
lots of calls w/ respect to the foreclosure seize by GMAC in 23 states....

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Huge congratulations to Niko Alexopoulos , Lloyd & Freddie Newton, Gwen Marcantonio and her Hawaiian Warrior husband Mark - All new Senior Consultants on Zurvita's True Team. The entire Zurvita Nations sends congratulations!

Saturday, September 25, 2010

there are so many layers of fraud, one has no idea the power a well informed homeowner has...
I have been saying this all can not foreclose on something you do not own...
ok...leave it to the politicians to jump on a band wagon when their polls are down....

Thursday, September 23, 2010

this badly made video, speaks volume on how fed up Americans are...DO YOU KNOW what's going on around you?
GMAC is one of the crooks...
GMAC halts foreclosures in 23 states:
today is dedicated to the BANKSTERS & the faud they create daily....
every tomorrow is a new opportunity to take a fresh hold on your faith and your determination to reach your goals and dreams...
good morning sunshines...
the sun will shine on those who allow it to do so...

Friday, September 17, 2010

faith gives you the ability to believe in your tomorrow...

Thursday, September 16, 2010

life is full of mines...
if you spend your whole time looking down for mines, you can't see the future...
good morning sunshines...
am coffee, monavie and ready to dominate!

Thursday, September 9, 2010

your heart, mind and life grow in response to desire...
where there is no desire, there is no growth...
be careful what you think, because your thoughts run your life...

Friday, September 3, 2010

r u a local business owner?
be thankful for what you have...
have faith and focus on working hard to get what you aspire for...

Thursday, September 2, 2010

new school year, new challenges for the little ones, as well as parents...
we grow into the thing that fills the thoughts of our hearts and mind...
good morning sunshines...