Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Foreclosure Rant

I am sorry if I need to vent out a bit about all the sh#t that's been going on and on and on.

It seems that people DO NOT GET IT. Or if they are they just DO NOT CARE.

Ever since this whole crisis became apparent, and in actuality it was started way before the government and its media propaganda machine admitted it we seem to be going down an endless, bottomless pit. Things are getting worse and more and more wrong decisions are being made on a daily basis. Yesterday August 3rd 2009 Colonial Bank Group in Orlando Florida was raided and seized. Foreclosures are higher than last year, experts have predicted a new wave of foreclosures that include prime loans, not just subrime. Yet they are telling us that the economy is slowly coming around.
Who are we kidding? Americans need to get their heads out of you know what and take action. People need to step up and arm themselves with the truth and the BS the media is feeding us.
Here is another dose of reality written by Maryann Tobin on examiner.com called:
Solution to housing crisis ignored as foreclosure suicides rise
If there were ever a time in this country for big business to put people before profits - that time is now.

Thousands of people facing foreclosure have no where to go if they lose their homes.

There has been little said about it, but an increasing number of the newly homeless have chosen to take their own lives. , according to ABC News.

Is that what we have come to in this country? People are dying now - because lenders are not doing the right thing when it comes to keeping people in their homes.

Any lender, if it wishes, can actually forgive a mortgage. It may sound unfair to those who pay their loans, but the crumbling housing market effects those who pay and those who don’t or can’t pay.
Foreclosure is bad for everyone.

So what would happen if banks simply started forgiving individuals for bad loans?

Foreclosures would end nationwide. The glut of empty homes that remain would likely be bought much more quickly - since the flood will have stopped. People would have a legitimate opportunity to get back on their feet. With improvement in the housing market, homes would sell for a better price.

Once the housing market is stable, consumer confidence would rise. Personal spending would increase, which in turn would create more jobs, then unemployment would decrease, the stock market would likely go up - you get the picture.

What is bad about that?

The loudest voice complaining would likely be the lenders. These same lenders were the first to take trillions of dollars in bailout money so they could stay in business - so they could make more bad loans, or make very few loans.

In mortgage renegotiation, most lenders focus on adding fees and penalties, and tacking on extra payments. Giving up a dime never comes into the picture. But let that same house go into foreclosure and sell at auction for half of the loan value, and the lenders are happy. And we wonder why the economy is in the shape it’s in? All they had to do was give that same discount to the homeowner.

The lender would actually save time and money by not incurring the legal fees and expense of foreclosure and auction. And there would be one less under priced home sold, driving prices down even further.

This is simple math. And better accounting practice than what is going on now.
More importantly, it actually does something to help solve the problem, and the people it's hurting.

Look at the Cash for Clunkers program. What it proves is that if you help people directly, they will help the economy.

In reality, there is only one way to stop the housing crisis. Stop the foreclosures. Whether it be by forgiveness or dramatic reduction in debt, it has to begin with direct help to the people who need it.

The government is out of this picture. This is between the lenders and their borrowers. No one should say it can’t be done. Where there’s a will, there’s a way. The problem is - no one has tried.

There is no excuse for anyone to allow this country to become the land of the desperate, the land of the suicidal, or the land of the homeless and unemployed.
PS: Check out these videos:

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